Student Competition - Award dedicated to Prof. Dr. Paolo Nanni
The Student Competition is a part of the Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics, CYSC-2019, and will be held during the Conference.
Eligibility Criteria:
- A student who is willing to participate should be registered for the Conference with an oral presentation and has to fill the Student Competition Application Form (and sent it to the Secretary – Dr. Ivan Stijepovic).
- The students who already registered should fill and send the Student Competition Application Form with the topic for which they have already registered.
- Student Competition Application Form should be sent by e‐mail before September 1st, 2019.
- Eligible candidate should be a Ph.D. student or Ph.D. holders who defended their thesis after June 1st, 2019.
- All candidates must include a student status letter from their program director, chief of service or faculty advisor to be eligible for competition.
- The presentation will be a part of the officially program (there will be no separate sections);
- The presentation duration will be 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes allocated for questions from the Jury and the audience;
- Three monetary awards along with certificates will be given for three best presentations. Awardees will receive a cash prize of around 300 EUR each.
- The awards will be given during YCN-meeting (Friday evening, October 18th, 2019).
Organizers of the CYSC 2023
Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Young Ceramists Network – The European Ceramic Society
Parallel Event
The students competition – ECerS 2021 Student Speech Contest
The biannual ECerS Student Speech Contest is an event where young ceramist research students, representing each of the ECerS member countries, will give an oral presentation of their research achievements that is evaluated by a jury. Each candidate participating to the contest is selected directly by his/her National Ceramic Society – no spontaneous candidates are allowed.
Organizers of the CYSC 2021
Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Young Ceramists Network – The European Ceramic Society
Scope of the Conference
The Fifteenth ECerS Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics, CYSC 2023 is organized by the Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad and the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) and its Young Ceramists Network (YCN). The Conference will take place in Novi Sad on October 11-14, 2023.
This conference has a long tradition (since 1998) and was formerly known as “Students’ Meeting”.
Due to its continuous improvement of the quality, in 2013, the Students’ Meeting has grown up to become the Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics.
Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics is organizing every two years at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad.
The main goals of this traditional meeting are the promotion of the work by young researchers and closer international contacts between students from different universities and institutes, through exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience in the field of ceramics.
The authors of all presented papers are students (primary focused on master and Ph.D. students, but there is no limitation on categories and age of the participants).
- Advanced Ceramics
- Traditional Ceramics
- Ceramics Composites
The Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad which belongs to the Campus of University of Novi Sad. Address of the venue is Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Contributions are presented by students (only oral presentation – no poster presentation).
- Authors are provided 15 minutes for their presentation including discussion.
- Beside experimental, results and discussion presentation should have a theoretical background, as well as good introduction to the specific subject.
- For presentations, a video-beam is provided.
Well recognized experts are invited to give lectures/tutorials in different topics on synthesis, processing, characterization and application of ceramics materials.
The official language of the meeting is English.
- Title: short, informative, centred (Letter Times New Roman 14, Bold)
- Authors: first name, last name (Times New Roman 14)
- Affiliations of all co-authors (Times New Roman 12)
- Abstract (maximum one A4 page) should be typed in Times New Roman font with a font size of 12 pts. Top, bottom, left and right margines should be 3.5 cm.
- Presenting author: first name, last name, e-mail address, contact phone (Times New Roman 12)
- Abstract should be sent to
July 21, 2023. Submission of Abstract (Register Now)
No conference fee.
There is possibility to apply for financial support for travel and accommodation costs. Please contact Ivan Stijepovic at
All correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary of the Meeting:
Dr. Ivan Stijepović
Department of Materials Engineering
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
University of Novi Sad
Bul. Cara Lazara 1
21000 Novi Sad
tel: +381 21 4853750
fax: +381 21 450413
Conference Chair
- Vladimir V. Srdić – University of Novi Sad, Serbia
International Scientific Committee
- Subramshu S. Bhattacharya – Nanofunctional Materials Technology Centre, IIT Madras, India
- Jon Binner – University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Vincenzo Buscaglia – ICMATE-CNR, Genoa, Italy
- Francis Cambier – Belgian Ceramic Research Center, Mons Belgium
- Dragan Damjanović – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Thomas Graule – EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland
- Horst Hahn – The University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States
- Andraž Kocjan – Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Akoš Kukovecz – University of Szeged, Hungary
- Anne Leriche – University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis, France
- Karel Maca – Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
- Branko Matović – Institute for Nuclear Sciences “Vinca”, Serbia
- Marija Milanović – University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Liliana Mitoseriu – University A“l.I. Cusa”, Romania
- Zbigniew Pedzich – AGH – University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
- Maria Canillas Perez – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Mitar Perusic – University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Pavol Šajgalik – Institute of Inorganic ChemistryAcademy of Sciences, Slovakia
- Alexandro Simoes – Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP, Brazil
- Vladimir V. Srdić – University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Biljana Stojanović – University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Paula Vilarinho – University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Markus Winterer – University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Louis Winnubst – University of Twente, The Netherlands
Organizing Committee
- YCN Committee, European Ceramic Society
- Jelena Vukmirović, University of Novi Sad
- Danica Piper, University of Novi Sad
- Iva Toković, University of Novi Sad
- Jovana Paskaš, University of Novi Sad
- Elvira Tot, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Ivan Stijepović
Department of Materials Engineering
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad
Bul. Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, SERBIA
tel: +381 21 485 3750
fax: +381 21 450 413
The Conference will take place at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad (address: Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad) and at the University of Novi Sad Central Building (address: Dr Zorana Đinđića 1, Novi Sad). Both institutions belong to the Campus of University of Novi Sad.
Novi Sad
Novi Sad is the capital of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, northern and the most developed region of Republic of Serbia.
The city is situated in the middle of the region, which is on the southern part of the Pannonian Plain, on the left bank of the river Danube, with the mountain of Fruska Gora on the other river bank. The first written record mentioning the present city dates from 1694.
Today, Novi Sad is a developed center with about 300.000 inhabitants. With its distinct architecture, rich cultural life, educational tradition and developed economy, Novi Sad is an open city with great prospects. As an old cultural and educational center, Novi Sad has been called “Serbian Athens”.
Its broad network of elementary and high schools, advanced schools and University of long educational tradition, offers the educational facilities in different fields not only in Serbian, but also in the languages of minorities living in Vojvodina. More than 26 different nationalities live in Novi Sad today.
Probably the easiest and most common way of arriving in Novi Sad, especially from western European countries is by air. The Belgrade airport ‘Nikola Tesla’ lies less than 75 km from Novi Sad (one-hour drive)
Air Serbia
Near the city runs one of the Europes most frequently used roads E-75. Going from Gdansk and Warsaw, through Bratislava, Budapest, Subotica, Novi Sad and Belgrade. It connects Eastern and Central Europe with Athens and Istanbul. One of Europe’s most frequently used roads, the E75, passes near the city. Going from Gdansk and Warsaw, through Bratislava, Budapest, Subotica, Novi Sad and Belgrade, it connects Central and Eastern Europe with Athens and Istanbul. Another important communication route (E-70), which connects France and Italy with the South Eastern Europe, runs only 40 km from Novi Sad.
Plan Route
Numerous international railway lines link Serbia with all parts of Europe.
Regular and seasonal international bus lines link Serbia to the neighboring countries. Novi Sad is well connected by regular bus lines with Western European countries
Belgrade bus station, tel. +381 11 2636 299
Novi Sad bus station, tel. +381 21 444 021
Before planning a trip to Serbia please check if you need an entrance visa: Visa regime for entering Serbia
If you are from the country whose citizens need visa to enter Serbia, please ask us for a letter of invitation as soon as possible, so that our Embassy in your country can have enough time to issue the visa. To be on the safe side, leave at least three weeks for the procedure.
Hotels and apartments
There are several major and many smaller hotels in Novi Sad. Many of them are very close to the key points of Novi Sad, such as the city center, bus or railway stations or the University. In the hotel restaurants a visitor can enjoy different cuisines. Many of the hotels offer special features over the year like discotheques or events such as fashion shows, beauty contests, singing competitions, karaoke parties etc.
There are many good restaurants in Novi Sad. The people of Novi Sad are well known for their love of restaurants. This is the reason why there are restaurants almost in every part of Novi Sad. In some of them one can enjoy national and in others international cuisine. There are also Chinese, Greek, Indonesian and Dutch restaurants as well. Pizzeria’s are very common too. There are fast food restaurants and food kiosks all over Novi Sad which are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. There is a possibility to publish your papers in the journal Processing and Application of Ceramics after full peer-review process.