Scope of the Conference
The Thirteenth Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics, CYSC 2019 will be organized by the Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad (October 16-19, 2019).
This conference has a long tradition (since 1998) and was formerly known as “Students’ Meeting”.
Due to its continuous improvement of the quality, in 2013. the Students’ Meeting has grown up to become the Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics.
Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics is organizing every two years at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad.
The main goals of this traditional meeting are the promotion of the work by young researchers and closer international contacts between students from different universities and institutes, through exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience in the field of ceramics.
The authors of all presented papers are students (primary focused on master and Ph.D. students, but there is no limitation on categories and age of the participants).
- Advanced Ceramics
- Traditional Ceramics
- Ceramics Composites
The Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad which belongs to the Campus of University of Novi Sad. Address of the venue is Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Contributions are presented by students (only oral presentation – no poster presentation).
- Authors are provided 15 minutes for their presentation including discussion.
- Beside experimental, results and discussion presentation should have a theoretical background, as well as good introduction to the specific subject.
- For presentations, a video-beam is provided.
Well recognized experts are invited to give lectures/tutorials in different topics on synthesis, processing, characterization and application of ceramics materials.
The official language of the meeting is English.
- Title: short, informative, centred (Letter Times New Roman 14, Bold)
- Authors: first name, last name (Times New Roman 14)
- Affiliations of all co-authors (Times New Roman 12)
- Abstract (maximum one A4 page) should be typed in Times New Roman font with a font size of 12 pts. Top, bottom, left and right margines should be 3.5 cm.
- Presenting author: first name, last name, e-mail address, contact phone (Times New Roman 12)
- Abstract should be sent to
No conference fee.
There is possibility to apply for financial support for travel and accommodation costs. Please contact Ivan Stijepovic at
All correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary of the Meeting:
Dr. Ivan Stijepović
Department of Materials Engineering
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
University of Novi Sad
Bul. Cara Lazara 1
21000 Novi Sad
tel: +381 21 4853750
fax: +381 21 450413